Outsourcing: An opportunity to develop an export department in a safe and experienced way
In my experience, I have seen many SMEs that when starting their export projects with the purpose of saving tend to hire staff on the sole basis that the person hired must know languages, no doubt this should be so; but they do not take into account that in international trade the people who integrate the export department must comply with a range of skills, knowledge and attitudes that in addition to knowing languages guarantee the development and implementation of the export department within the company and that this It leads to true consolidation of international sales.
Companies that have only hired staff with a profile based solely on languages, take them a long way to reach the consolidation of international sales, leads them to make mistakes that are usually expensive and the result possibly reaches very long term or Well it does not come, discouraging the entrepreneur in the implementation of this department and often close it.
In this context, my usual recommendation is to hire people with experience, who is leading the department and who is gradually training staff.
How to make it possible to generate an export department that allows SMEs to have results?
Model A: Bet on the hiring of qualified and experienced personnel in export departments that will usually have to be considered for a higher salary.
Model B: Opt for outsourcing via outsourcing of export professionals with proven experience in the implementation and development of export departments and with experience in international sales.
Why bet on outsourcing?
Export experts have languages since languages for this type of experts is a basic tool for the development of their work.
These professionals have years of experience in the implementation of export departments and have negotiation skills at international level and in most cases with clients in specific sectors.
High capacity to adapt to the different cultures and nationalities that can be faced.
High capacity to be able to influence the company’s decisions to adapt products and / or services in favor of the company joining international markets. Remember that the expert influences, but the company must also understand that to export you must make possible changes that will allow you to reach the result.
It has knowledge that allows to demonstrate to the clients the capacity and professionalism of the company, such is the case of logistical knowledge, payment methods, adaptation in possible markings and labeling, etc.
These professionals have knowledge of international logistics (handling of maritime and land transport), customs procedures, handling of payment mechanisms in international sales, such as: Letters of Credit, lines of credit with Financial Insurers, International Bank Transfers, Cash Against Banking documents, among others. As well as, documentation management that allows consolidating sales internationally.
Risks are reduced when selling to certain geographic regions that are highly complex.
They reduce the times for the implementation of the department and that this experience leads to the realization of sales in the medium term.
These experts save costs and risks and can lead to the best result.